InnerFit is a leader because:
Experiential Learning
We believe in experiential learning where young people can learn about who they are through game play.
Linked to Curriculum
All InnerFit lessons are linked to the NZ Curriculum to allow for easy integration into the classroom.
Easy to access digital resources
Our activities and resources are available easily online for a whole school approach.

A foundation for wellbeing, mental health and success in life
Mental health and wellbeing are vitally important issues in our society today. The media is full of stories of tragedy and loss, as the pressures of life take their toll.
The impact of Covid19 has heightened these challenges for many families and individuals, with significant job losses in a number of key sectors, a continuing housing crisis in Auckland, appalling child poverty levels, and domestic violence on the rise.
It’s well reported New Zealand holds the unenviable status of having the highest youth suicide rate in the developed world which we as a nation and successive governments have struggled to address.
How do we as a community deal with these alarming statistics? Access to affordable and appropriate counselling, helplines and support systems are critical. Increased public and private funding to the areas that need it, is also important.
At InnerFit NZ we take an holistic approach through learning and development with a return to evidence based, curriculum aligned character education for our children.
So many of our children are lacking in key character traits like perseverance, resilience, self-control and respect.
With few coping strategies, life challenges can become too much to handle, resulting, if not helped, in these high suicide rates and the increasing need for mental health support.
Overseas studies have shown that when the character is developed, mental health is improved and achievement quickly follows.
InnerFit is a charitable trust providing resources for teachers for character development in our children’s formative years supporting their mental health and wellbeing.
Our educational tools for teachers use games and content to build good character traits. These can then be integrated with other subjects to further embed the behaviours.
Using this programme, children are confident, more settled and better behaved, leading to a lift in academic achievement which enhances self-worth, personal responsibility and which equips our kids have the ability to make better choices throughout life, especially when life isn’t easy.
InnerFit supports teachers with ENERGISE, an engaging and empowering seminar and workshop that informs teachers with an understanding of their energy sources, how we leak energy through stress, frustration, imbalance and fatigue and then equips teachers with tools, strategies and resources to manage time, energy levels and their personal mental wellbeing.
ENERGISE has a positive impact on the staffroom and team unity, as well as assisting teachers to be their best in the classroom.
What’s new from InnerFit?
“Great learning and superior abilities will be of little value... unless virtue, truth and integrity are added to them.”
Abigail Adams
InnerFit builds success from the inside out
InnerFit programmes are based on three core principles, each enabling individuals and teams to fulfil their potential.
We unlock potential
What’s inside is the real measure of a person, and enables them to become better than before.
We build strength of character
Success and progress requires commitment to change, ongoing self-discovery and perseverance.
Life lessons through integrated experiential learning
Integrated teachings build better decision making, habits, values and culture.

Society needs InnerFit more than ever before
Building Character is Crucial
“Prevention & intervention strategies applied early in life are more effective in altering outcomes”
Sir Peter Gluckman, Former Chief Science Adviser to the Prime Minister
InnerFit Education is a great tool that has enabled me to combine our students’ needs for literacy and numeracy skills with their need for character.
Emma-Jane, Teacher, Auckland
“It is easier to train a child than fix a broken adult”
Frederick Douglass
African-American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman

Talk to our InnerFit experts today!