FREE access to resources in one of the three “Managing Emotions" Learning Pathways.

Managing Emotions Resource

“IQ is pretty much set. It tends to peak when a person is 17, and remain constant throughout adulthood and wane during old age. EQ however, is not fixed.” The EQ Edge.

Recognising and managing your emotions, and those of others, is a key skill in developing emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is something that can be acquired and improved on with practice.

Kids experience complex feelings just like adults. They get frustrated, excited, nervous, sad, jealous, frightened, worried, angry and embarrassed. However they often don’t have the vocabulary to talk about how they are feeling. Instead they communicate their feelings in other ways.

Teaching children about their emotions and how to manage them will give them the strategies and life skills needed to navigate their way through tough situations and to handle them more calmly. 

Having the skills to reflect on their feelings and realise they can have control over how they respond to their feelings will positively impact on their ability to concentrate, make good decisions and develop healthy relationships. It will also help to develop positive attitudes and behaviours later in life.

This module is an integrated approach to give teachers tools to help their students learn to recognise and manage their emotions so that they are expressed appropriately and effectively.

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Danielle Aldridge